Wednesday, January 24, 2007


A Warm Welcome to a great new year 2007! This is my first blog after 24 days in the new year. Last time I had written my blog was on Dec 31, 2006, well this was the coldest new year eve I had. I just went to bed on Dec 31 night 2006. Its because I was with puppy taking care of puppy...we were really afraid on whats going to happen next....but it was great what happened next day was really a new begining in a new year things went excatly how I wanted (In fact I did'nt know what would be the best solution and just prayed "God! Please do something so that I will be comfortable after that")...a great going new year 2007 from there on, really had great time in Hyd from Jan-1 to Jan-6.....after that I took pathetic AeroSvit flight (Never Ever Take this shoddy airline) back to JFK, travelled all the way from NewYork to Hartford and took a cab to my place....its quite a tiresome journey to travel from India to U.S, next time I will travel by either BA ,Lufthansa or Emirates..... Now I need startoff my coding for the SPICE2LAYOUT project its been a while I took a break and its really a long one....Tomorrow Is a SRM from TopCoder....I was having a dilemma to use Boost Graph library or not...but I guess it will be fine if I write it on my own. Take care...keep Warm :) Cheers! Vamsi

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