I came across a problem recently which asks for the following "Given a string find out the minimum number of characters to be inserted to make it a palindrome, and also give the string". There might be several ways to solve this problem I have a simple algorithm to solve this problem in O(n2). The observation is the following reccurence.
Let LCSr[x,y] = longest common sub sequence between S1...x and Sr1...y , where Sr is the reverse of
the string S.
Let X=x1x2....xk be the be the palindrome with minimum # of inserted characters to make it a palindrome, then X has to be formed from S as follows.
1. Find a index k in S such that the cost of transforming S[1..k] to S[k+1...n] is minimum and the palindrome would be
X = S'[1...k]S'r[k+1...n] or X = S'[1..k-1]S[k]S'r[k+1..n]
2. The index k such that LCSr[k][len-k] is maximum.
3. Get the code
/*Builds the LCS between the forward and backwards and finds a index 'p' which will give minimum # of operations to transform forward string to backward string.*/ void FindLCSReverse(char *str,unsigned int len){ int i,j; int current_min,max_lcs; int imax,jmax,palindex,palindex_r; unsigned int operations; char path=0; for(i=0;i<len;i++){ LCS[i][0] = 0; } for(j=0;j<len;j++){ LCS[0][j] = 0; } for(i=1;i<len;i++){ for(j=1;j<len;j++){ /*use len-j to access other string*/ if(buf[i] == buf[len-j]){ LCS[i][j] = LCS[i-1][j-1]+1; }else{ LCS[i][j] = (LCS[i-1][j]>LCS[i][j-1])?LCS[i-1][j]:LCS[i][j-1]; } } } /*Compute the p which gives minimum inserts to transform *forward string to backward */ max_lcs=0; imax=len-1;jmax=0; for(i=len-1;i>=1;i--){ if(LCS[i][len-i-1] > max_lcs){ max_lcs = LCS[i][len-i-1]; imax = i; jmax = len-i-1; } if(i>0 && LCS[i-1][len-i-1] >= max_lcs){ max_lcs = LCS[i-1][len-i-1]; imax = i-1; jmax = len-i-1; } } /*Now find the actual string*/ i=imax; j=jmax; palindex_r=0; while(i!=0 || j!=0){ if(i>0 && j>0){ if(buf[i] == buf[len-j]){ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[i]; i--; j--; continue; } current_min = (LCS[i-1][j] > LCS[i][j-1])?LCS[i-1][j]:LCS[i][j-1]; if(current_min == LCS[i-1][j]){ if(current_min == LCS[i][j-1] && buf[i] < buf[len-j]){ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[len-j]; j--; }else{ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[i]; i--; } }else if(current_min == LCS[i][j-1]){ if(current_min == LCS[i-1][j] && buf[len-j] < buf[i]){ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[i]; i--; }else{ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[len-j]; j--; } } }else if(j==0){ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[i]; i--; }else if(i==0){ palindrome_rev[palindex_r++] = buf[len-j]; j--; } /*path=1 (left) path=2 (down) path=3 (diag)*/ } for(i=0;i<palindex_r;i++){ palindrome[palindex_r-1-i] = palindrome_rev[i]; } palindrome_rev[palindex_r] = '\0'; palindrome[palindex_r] = '\0'; /*printf("imax = %u jmax = %u len=%u \n",imax,jmax,len);*/ if(imax+jmax==len-1){ printf("%s%s\n",palindrome,palindrome_rev); }else{ printf("%s%c%s\n",palindrome,buf[imax+1],palindrome_rev); } }
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